I’ll never forget the moment that my life shifted in what success meant to me. I was sitting in the audience at the retirement celebration of a woman at the very top of her company. She had achieved everything you could possibly achieve in terms of career success. She was making more money in one month than most are making in a year and we were gathered to celebrate her illustrious career. On the stage joining her were her grown children who very clearly did not want to be there. They were disrespectful the entire time they were on the stage. As she spoke and gave glimpses into her personal life- multiple failed marriages, children who she was not close with and who had lived a very troubled life, very few authentic friendships, no spiritual depth that could be felt, and an overall lack of joy, I knew clearly that that was not the “success” I was after. I had put this woman on a pedestal prior to this event. I didn’t know her at all, but what I saw from the outside and her career success seemed attractive. She was praised for her work ethic, her dedication, and her loyalty which she definitely exhibited. However, I knew that what she had gained in career success and financial success had ultimately cost her everything and I didn’t want anything to do with that. I knew it was time for me to dig deeper and define what success was to me. This was not a fast or simple process. It took me months and I continue to add to and take away from it even still. What I found is that true success is not one-dimensional. We are complex humans and for us to be truly fulfilled we must take a multi-dimensional approach to success that includes our spiritual life, marriage, parenting, friendships, physical health, habits, finances, and using our gifts and talents to the best of our abilities in whatever vocation we choose. If our career is flourishing but our marriage is on the rocks, or we haven’t given our kids the time and attention they deserve, our career success will feel empty. We can continue to numb out, keep our head down, and pretend it doesn’t matter OR we can pause, assess our life, get the help we need, and make the changes that need to be made to move into a much happier, fulfilling, and impactful life. Let’s commit to redefining success in our life and being intentional about living it out.

Creating Multi-Dimensional Success